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  Hiiu-Rahu Cemetery

HiiuRahuBy the order of Nõmme Small Town Council, Hiiu-Rahu Cemetery, which was established in 1919, is the smallest among the cemeteries in Tallinn, its area is only 2,2 hectares. According to the materials remained in the archives of Rahu Church, preparatory works still took time and consecration of the new resting place only took place in August 1923. The plan of cemetery was made by the architect K.Burman, office building was covered with roof but, according to the project of city architect Fr. Wendach only in 1934. 

Still, here lies the last resting place of quite a few prominent figures in the history of Estonia. Well-known cultural figures and their graves have always been more or less honoured. But those who have fought for independence and freedom of Estonia have not been mentioned for years. Just recently, a new stately designation was given to the grave of Major General Rudolf Reimann (1884-1946), chief of equipment of the time of the Estonian War of Independence. At the same time, there is no designation on the grave of another figure from the time of the Estonian War of Independence who has been buried here, Julius Trubock, chief of movement department of armoured train division, which hopefully will have a stately designation this year.

In addition to Reimann, another Estonian Chief Hydrographer, Major General Ernst Blumbach (1863-1929) has been buried at Hiiu. He was one of the most well-known specialists of marine magnetism in the whole Baltic region.

In the cemetery, there is a symbolic grave for one of the important figures from the period of Estonian independence. It is the Head of State Juhan Kukk (1885-1945) who was the author of the text of Estonian Independence Manifest and between  1918-1919 the creator of the monetary system of our young country. Later on Kukk actively participated in society activities of Nõmme district, being also the founder of Rotary Club in 1938.  Two persons fighting for the Estonian independence have also been buried at Hiiu: a schoolboy Hugo Läänemets was killed as the warrior of the 3rd armoured train at Stackeln on March 5, 1919 (later reburied); Assistant Station Master of Tallinn Port, Jaan Laanus, was killed as the victim of communists' rebellion that took place on December 1, 1924.

Among the figures of Nõmme Local Government and the public figures the first selected city mayor Johannes Lindemann (1874-1941), long-term leader of small town and city council, Jaan Vaga (1877-1960), writer Peeter Grünfeldt (1865-1937) are worth noting, who have a monument by sculptor R. Haavamägi on their grave.

The first and long-term pastor of Nõmme Rahu Church, Anton Eilart (1892-1972), also Ingel Pork (1855-1937) - the first resident at Hiiu, whose origin (Hiiumaa) could explain the origin of the name Nõmme Hiiu - have been buried at the Hiiu-Rahu Cemetery.