What is Haudi?
Haudi is the Estonian Cemetery portal which is the Web-based information system for cemetery management. This information system for cemetery management preserves and organizes data about the deceased and makes it available to people interested in history and to the users of burial places. Haudi is integrated with the Estonian Population Register.
The idea behind the software is to gather information from all Estonian cemeteries together into one portal where people can search for the deceased all over the country. It is basically an e-cemetery where the whole history of Estonian cemeteries is retained.
People who are registered as users of a burial place can use various e-services when they log into the cemetery where they are the Burial Place Users, by using an ID-card. As the burial place users they are able to do the following things: authorize a burial, add information about the deceased, correct data, change the user of the burial place, give up the burial place, etc.
The public cemetery portal also includes information about burial places that are under heritage protection. The amount of information and pictures that can be added is unlimited. This means that if the cemetery wants, it can add pictures and information about all its burial places. The cemetery portal also includes information about the cemetery, its history and culture. In that sense the cemetery portal is very useful for example for researchers who deal with local history.
We hope that Estonian Cemetery Portal carries a pricless cultural value for all citizens!