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Cemetery management in the Tallinn city

City organization Kadrioru park is engaged in the management of cemeteries, funeral services and management of the electronic archive burial places and buried people.

There are situated seven cemeteries on the area of 295.3 ha in Tallinn city.

36 Kloostrimetsa Road / Pirita / Phone:
 +372 5551 7534
Reserved for people who have been remarkable in public life.

Pärnamäe cemetery
36 Pärnamäe Road / Pirita / area  105,6 ha / Phone: +372 5551 7534
Opened for new burial places. Single and double places available. Possible to get places for urn funeral.

Pirita cemetery
7 Rummu Road / Pirita / area 1,0 ha / Serving Pärnamäe cemetery office, Pärnamäe tee 36/Ristaia 8. Phone: +372 5551 7534
Closed for burials.

Siselinna cemetery
3 Toonela Road /  City center / area  18,3 ha / Phone: +372 5551 7582
Fully buried. Single places available for those who already have burial sites. Possible to get places for urn funeral.

Rahumäe cemetery (together with the Jewish part)
6 Rahumäe Road / Nõmme / area 33,6 ha / Phone: +372 5551 7528
Single places available for those who already have burial sites. Possible to get places for urn funeral.

Hiiu-Rahu cemetery
1 Hiiu-Suurtüki Street / Nõmme / area 3,3 ha /Serving Rahumäe cemetery office, Rahumäe tee 8A. Phone: +372 5551 7528
Closed for burials.

Liiva cemetery
34 Kalmistu Road / Nõmme / area 88,4 ha / Phone: +372 5551 1823
Opened for new burial places. Single and double places available. Possible to get places for urn funeral.