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Kalmistu 11.10.11 (11)Nõo cemetery is founded by Löwenwolde family. History of the cemetery reaches back to the end of 18th century, when the landowner of Luke Carl Magnus von Löwenwolde (1728-1799) was buried there. This  is one of the oldest graves in the Nõo cemetery.

  A brick gate marks the main entrance, which is built in 1925. Entering the main gate, at the right side lie the remains of the foundation of the cemetery keeper's house.  At the east corner of the cemetery is located the last resting place of the family Löwenwolde-Knorring,  landlords of Luke, separated from the rest of the cemetery by a stone wall.

There are several grave monuments on the Nõo cemetery that are considered a valuable piece of art. Well-known historian, poet, and pastor of the Nõo Church Martin Lipp, who is also the author of words for the song "The Estonian flag",  rests at the main street of Nõo cemetery.  Bust on the gravestone of Martin Lipp was made in 1932 by sculptor Anton Starkopf.